CiviCRM Design Decision Documentation

This post contains links to documentation PDFs created when CiviCRM was implemented for the North Shore Choral Society in 2012-15. The implementation project was considered to be an Information Management Task Force project.

Here is the list of documents:

CiviCRM Primer

This is a high level summary of how the North Shore Choral Society plans to use the CiviCRM database and software package. It was last modified on September 28, 2016.

CiviCRM Mini-Primer

This is a shorter version of the Primer, more summarized, and updated on May 13, 2019

Project Need Evaluation

The need for this project was documented in June 2012.

Project Scope and Assumptions

This document has incomplete sections.

Project Planning and Overview

This was intended to be a guide for those implementing the project. Not all of the sections were completed.


The purpose of this document was to describe the project team’s decision on whether to implement household contacts, or just individuals and organizations in the CiviCRM database.

CiviCRM Configuration Selections

This document was last modified on 2/11/2014.

Design Decision for Rehearsal Attendance

Design Decision for Communication Preferences

This document was last modified on 7/25/2015.

Design Decision for Designated Use Donations

This was last modified in February 2022; since then the David Dynes Larson and Ruth Gockel Memorial Gift funds have been discontinued.